Saturday 29 October 2011

WISH Project - Who are we?

This blog was established to raise awareness of the plight of women in Kibera who daily struggle to support their families. This Project is working alongside other organisations in the African region and specifically in Nairobi to utilse the skills and resources of these women who produce traditional jewelry and handicrafts. Through WISH for Kibera and this blog we seek markets for these items. We are also seeking volunteers and donations. Please help the people of Kibera rise above the squalor of their everyday living.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Kibera Jewelry

Please help the WISH (Women In Self Help) for Kibera Project. This project aims to help set up women's self help groups in Kibera, Kenya.
These women are seeking economic independence since they are located in the largest urban slum in Africa. On a daily basis they face many challenges to their existence.
The overall goal of the project is to enable each self help group to work towards creating and selling traditional jewelry and handicrafts from Kenya.
WISH for Kibera needs you to make a small contribution to these women by purchasing what they produce for only US$5.00.

Message from ICFD

We are sending this message of goodwill to this project which seeks to empower impoverished Kenyan women from Kibera. For too long this segment of the vibrant working population has been unduly marginalized. Their economic and social circumstances must be changed and their voices heard

We at ICfD are willing to support any and every worthy cause to make a difference in Kibera.

Johnson Opigo
on behalf of ICfD Team

Friday 21 October 2011

Support the Women of Kibera

Support the WISH for Kibera Project through your participation and contributions. 

Please contact us at:

WISH for Kibera
Marshan House
St Daniel Comboni Road
P.O. Box 21255
Nairobi, Kenya

Project Manager: Nadine Newman

WISH for Kibera

WISH for Kibera is a project based in Kenya coming out of the Focus on Africa's Women Organisation (FAWO).  The Project aims to set up women's self help groups in Kibera which is located in Nairobi, Kenya and is the largest slum in Africa.

The overall goal of the project is economic independence for the women. Each self help group will work towards creating and selling traditional jewelry and handicrafts from Kenya. 
Funds for the Project are limited and there is the need for more voluntary participation. The Project aims to create awareness about this initiative and garner support in terms of funds and manpower to ensure successful completion of the project.
Learn more about Kibera: